Bond 2023 Planned Upgrades by School/Project
Amerman Elementary School
- Instructional and Non-Instructional Technology
- Replace student devices (Chromebooks & iPads)
- Replace staff devices
- Replace classroom interactive technology
- Replace AV systems in gym and cafeteria
- Replace building technology infrastructure hardware
- Replace building phone system
- New Construction
- STEAM Addition
- Multi-purpose/Dining/ Kitchen/Storage Addition
- New entry canopy with remodeled welcome center/entry
- New collaboration space and upgraded courtyard
- Architectural Work
- Replacement of select aging doors, millwork and hardware
- Gym equipment updates
- Replace exterior doors where necessary
- Roofing/Building Envelope
- Replace roofing
- Replace failing soffits and rainwater downspouts
- Mechanical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- HVAC and indoor air quality improvements at the MPR and Media Center
- Water heater replacement
- Electrical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- LED lights in the classrooms
- Electrical updates to emergency lights, added classroom outlets, new GFCI outlets in existing areas near sinks
- Site Improvements
- Replace select areas of parking lots
- Replace select concrete sidewalks, stairs and ramps
- Storm sewer rework, fencing and gate replacement
- Playground Equipment Updates
- Upgrade kindergarten playground equipment
- Supplement newly installed playground equipment
Moraine Elementary School
- Instructional and Non-Instructional Technology
- Replace student devices (Chromebooks & iPads)
- Replace staff devices
- Replace classroom interactive technology
- Replace AV systems in gym and cafeteria
- Replace building technology infrastructure hardware
- Replace building phone system
- New Construction
- STEAM addition
- Multi-purpose/Dining/ Kitchen/Storage Addition and Renovation
- New entry canopy
- Architectural Work
- Replacement of select aging doors, millwork and hardware
- Gym equipment updates
- Replace exterior doors where necessary
- Roofing/Building Envelope
- Replace roofing
- Mechanical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- HVAC and Indoor Air Quality Improvements at the MPR, Media Center, Main Office, West Centrum
- Classroom Wing
- Boiler Replacement
- Exhaust Fans, Unit Heater equipment replacement
- Hydronic System Pump Replacement
- Water Heater Replacement
- Electrical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- Main electrical service replacement
- LED lighting upgrades
- Electrical updates to emergency lights, added classroom outlets, new GFCI outlets in existing areas near sinks
- Site Improvements
- Replace select areas of parking lots
- Replace select concrete sidewalks, stairs and ramps
- Storm sewer rework, fencing and gate replacement
- Southwest site stormwater drainage improvements
- Playground Equipment Updates
- Upgrade select playground equipment
Ridge Wood Elementary School
- Instructional and Non-Instructional Technology
- Replace student devices (Chromebooks & iPads)
- Replace staff devices
- Replace classroom interactive technology
- Replace AV systems in gym and cafeteria
- Replace building technology infrastructure hardware
- Replace building phone system
- New Construction
- STEAM addition
- Roofing/Building Envelope
- Replace roofing
- Mechanical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- HVAC equipment replacement and indoor air quality improvements
- Boiler replacement
- Exhaust fans, unit heater equipment replacement
- Hydronic system pump replacement
- Bathroom equipment replacement
- Electrical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- LED lighting upgrades
- Electrical updates to emergency lights, added classroom outlets, new GFCI outlets in existing areas near sinks
- Site Improvements
- Replace select concrete sidewalks, stairs and ramps
- Storm sewer detention pond restoration
- Playground Equipment Updates
- Upgrade select playground equipment
Silver Springs Elementary School
- Instructional and Non-Instructional Technology
- Replace student devices (Chromebooks & iPads)
- Replace staff devices
- Replace classroom interactive technology
- Replace AV systems in gym and cafeteria
- Replace building technology infrastructure hardware
- Replace building phone system
- New Construction
- STEAM addition
- New entry canopy
- Architectural Work
- Replacement of select aging doors, millwork and hardware
- Replace exterior doors where necessary
- Roofing/Building Envelope
- Replace roofing
- Mechanical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- HVAC equipment replacement and indoor air quality improvements
- Exhaust Fans, Unit Heater equipment replacement
- Water Heater Replacement
- Electrical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- Main electrical service replacement
- Electrical distribution panel replacement
- Electrical motor control center panel replacement
- Electrical transformer replacement
- LED lighting upgrades
- Electrical updates to emergency lights, added classroom outlets, new GFCI outlets in existing areas near sinks
- Site Improvements
- Replace exterior pathway paving
- Replace select concrete sidewalks, stairs and ramps
- Storm sewer rework, fencing and gate replacement
- Playground drainage and grading improvements
- Playground Equipment Updates
- Upgrade select playground equipment
Thornton Creek Elementary School
- Instructional and Non-Instructional Technology
- Replace student devices (Chromebooks & iPads)
- Replace staff devices
- Replace classroom interactive technology
- Replace AV systems in gym and cafeteria
- Replace building technology infrastructure hardware
- Replace building phone system
- New Construction
- STEAM addition
- Architectural Work
- Replacement of select doors and hardware
- Kitchen equipment replacement
- Mechanical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- HVAC equipment replacement and indoor air quality improvements
- Boiler replacement
- Exhaust fans, unit heater equipment replacement
- Point of use water heater replacement
- Electrical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- LED lighting upgrades
- Electrical updates to emergency lights, added classroom outlets, new GFCI outlets in existing areas near sinks
- Site Improvements
- Replace select concrete sidewalks, stairs and ramps
- Playground Equipment Updates
- Upgrade select playground equipment
Winchester Elementary School
- Instructional and Non-Instructional Technology
- Replace student devices (Chromebooks & iPads)
- Replace staff devices
- Replace classroom interactive technology
- Replace AV systems in gym and cafeteria
- Replace building technology infrastructure hardware
- Replace building phone system
- New Construction
- STEAM addition
- New entry canopy
- Architectural Work
- Replacement of select aging doors, millwork and hardware
- Replace exterior doors where necessary
- Roofing/Building Envelope
- Replace roofing
- Mechanical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- HVAC equipment replacement and indoor air quality improvements
- Exhaust Fans, Unit Heater equipment replacement
- Water Heater Replacement
- Electrical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- Main electrical service replacement
- Electrical distribution panel replacement
- Electrical motor control center panel replacement
- Electrical transformer replacement
- LED lighting upgrades
- Electrical updates to emergency lights, added classroom outlets, new GFCI outlets in existing areas near sinks
- Site Improvements
- Replace exterior pathway paving
- Replace select concrete sidewalks, stairs and ramps
- Storm sewer rework, fencing and gate replacement
- Playground drainage and grading improvements
- Playground Equipment Updates
- Upgrade select playground equipment
Meads Mill Middle School
- Instructional and Non-Instructional Technology
- Replace student devices (Chromebooks & iPads)
- Replace staff devices
- Replace classroom interactive technology
- Replace AV systems in gym and cafeteria
- Replace building technology infrastructure hardware
- Replace building phone system
- New Construction/Space Renovation
- STEAM Addition
- Circulation alignment between academic pods
- New entry canopy
- New collaboration spaces and upgraded exterior learning infrastructure
- Architectural Work
- Additional windows in classrooms
- Locker replacement
- Band/Choir/Orchestra remodeling and upgrades
- Major remodeling of kitchen and cafeteria
- Gym floor refinishing
- Locker room updates
- Replacement of select aging doors, millwork and hardware
- Replace exterior doors where necessary
- Replace select interior finishes as needed
- Roofing/Building Envelope
- Replace roofing
- Mechanical Systems and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- Comprehensive HVAC equipment replacement and indoor air quality improvements
- Exhaust Fans, Unit Heater equipment replacement
- Water Heater Replacement
- Electrical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- LED lighting upgrades
- Electrical panel board replacement
- Electrical motor control center replacement
- Electrical updates to emergency lights, added classroom outlets, new GFCI outlets in existing areas near sinks
- Site Improvements
- Replace select areas of parking lots
- Replace select concrete sidewalks, stairs and ramps
- Storm sewer rework, fencing and gate replacement
Northville High School
- Instructional and Non-Instructional Technology
- Replace student devices (Chromebooks & iPads)
- Replace staff devices
- Replace classroom interactive technology
- Replace AV systems in gym and cafeteria
- Replace building technology infrastructure hardware
- Replace building phone system
- New Construction/Space Renovation
- STEAM Addition
- Natatorium Remodeling
- New collaboration spaces and upgraded exterior learning infrastructure
- Architectural Work
- Replace classroom and corridor flooring and finishes
- Replace art room casework
- Replacement of select aging doors, millwork and hardware
- Replace exterior doors where necessary
- Replace select interior finishes as needed
- Gymnasium bleacher replacement
- Bathroom upgrades
- Kitchen equipment upgrades
- Auditorium
- Lighting upgrades
- Sound system upgrades
- Replace interior Finishes
- Natatorium
- Timing and scoring equipment replacement
- Diving and starting block replacement
- Locker room renovation
- Pumping system replacement
- Select pool tank and deck tile replacement
- Roofing/Building Envelope
- Replace low sloped roofing
- Building Systems
- Elevator system, wheelchair lift and clock system replacement
- Mechanical Systems and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- Upgrade and recondition HVAC equipment and indoor air quality improvements
- Redesign of academic wing HVAC systems
- Boiler replacement
- Pumping plant replacement
- Accessory ventilation equipment replacement
- Exhaust fans, unit heater equipment replacement
- Fire sprinkler pump replacement
Additional Upgrades proposed in Bond 2023
- Electrical and Energy Efficiency Upgrades
- LED lighting upgrades
- Generator replacement
- Exit sign replacement
- Site Improvements
- Replace select concrete sidewalks curbs, stairs and ramps
- Isolated parking lot paving replacement
- Storm sewer detention pond reconditioning
- Storm sewer rework, fencing and gate replacement
- Outdoor Athletics at NHS Site
- Softball field upgrade to synthetic turf
- Baseball field upgrade to synthetic turf
- Outdoor Athletics at Eight Mile Stadium
- Home and Visitor bleacher replacement, included ADA upgrades
- Sound system replacement
Operational Facilities (Transportation Facility and Technology & Operations Center)
- Site Improvements
- Hillside bus drive pavement replacement
- Technology & Operations Center paving rehabilitation
- Transportation facility- pavement replacement
- Roofing/Building Envelope
- Replace Technology & Operations roofing
- School Buses
Old Village School
The cornerstone project of Bond 2017 was the addition and the renovation of Hillside Middle School, and approximately 42% of the bond program was allocated for this project. Another significant investment made with Bond 2017 revenue was the renovation of Old Village School, which supported the relocation of our Early Childhood program and Central Office functions from the former Main Street School. These two projects enabled key investment in critical infrastructure and building systems at Hillside and Old Village, fully updating these sites to the very latest building standards.
Hillside Middle School
The cornerstone project of Bond 2017 was the addition and the renovation of Hillside Middle School, and approximately 42% of the bond program was allocated for this project. Another significant investment made with Bond 2017 revenue was the renovation of Old Village School, which supported the relocation of our Early Childhood program and Central Office functions from the former Main Street School. These two projects enabled key investment in critical infrastructure and building systems at Hillside and Old Village, fully updating these sites to the very latest building standards.
Cooke School
Significant renovations were made to Cooke School with Bond 2017 revenue. Although additional facility needs at Cooke School remain following Bond 2017, we requested and received supplemental funding from Wayne RESA to enable additional building system upgrades at that site, precluding the need to allocate Bond 2023 revenue for the additional upgrades needed at Cooke School.