Northville Public Schools » State & Federal Programs » Section 31a

Section 31a

Section 31a

Section 31a is a state funded program created to help students who for a variety of reasons find one or more of the core subjects challenging. It is designed to help students make gains on grade level assessments. 

At the beginning of every school year, students are assessed in reading and math. These assessments determine who is entitled to the extra support provided by the Section 31a program. Throughout the year continued assessments will be done to monitor every
student’s progress. Our goal is to ensure every child receives the foundation they need to achieve success at school.

The Section 31a Program provides children extra instructional time one-on-one, in small groups, or online. During this time, the NPS staff will work on lessons created to address children's specific needs. 

For more information, please contact the Office of Instruction at (248) 344-3520 or visit your school website for building-level information.