Northville Public Schools » State & Federal Programs » Title III Program

Title III Program

English Learners Programs (Title III)

EL Program Goals

  • To provide a welcoming environment where students feel free to take risks and explore the English Language.
  • To facilitate the rapid acquisition of English Language development in order for students to participate fully in all general education activities.
  • To facilitate the development of English language skills and comprehension in the areas of: speaking, listening, reading and writing.

How students are identified? 
At the time of enrollment into the district, parent(s) or guardian(s) of every student are required to complete a registration packet; an integral part of the registration packet is the Home Language Survey. The Home Language Survey in registration packets is reviewed to identify students who come from a home where a language other than English is spoken. A student who comes from a home where there is a language other than English spoken, is evaluated for his/her level of English language proficiency. The language screener, along with the student’s academic performance is also considered to determine eligibility.

How are students assessed for English Language proficiency? 
Students are assessed using the W-APT (WIDA-ACCESS Placement Test). The W-APT is an English language proficiency "screener" assessment given to incoming students who may be potentially eligible for EL services. The W-APT assessment, measures a students’ English language ability in the areas of speaking, listening, reading, writing and total compression in academic and social settings. The results of the W-APT along with other academic information, including teacher observations are used to determine if a student qualifies for EL services.

Where are services provided? 
EL services are provided during the school day at each child’s school.

How are services provided? 
EL services at the elementary schools are provided using a pull out model, where students are pulled from their classrooms individually or in small groups. EL services at the secondary level could be inclusion in an EL class for a period of the day or could also use the pullout model, depending on the school.

Participation in the EL program is optional and parents have the right to withdraw their child at any time from the EL services. 

*All students who qualify for program participation, regardless of services, must continue to be assessed each spring with the WIDA ACCESS assessment until a student has scored in the proficient range and has met district and state exit requirements. 

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