District Departments » Special Education Services » Programs & Services

Programs & Services

Resource Room

The Resource Room provides direct and supplemental instruction to students. The time a student spends in the Resource Room is based on the student’s IEP. The Resource Room teacher communicates on a regular basis with students and parents on IEP Goals/Objectives.

Elementary Level Resource Rooms

Students spend a portion of their school day receiving specialized instruction in no more than two of the following areas: language arts, mathematics, science, and social studies.

The Resource Room teacher serves as a resource for the general education teachers, other support staff, parents, and building administrators. In addition, they may assign grades and participate in parent conferences.

Secondary Level Resource Rooms

The secondary resource room teacher may provide direct instruction for course work, assign grades, or other evaluative measures. The resource room teacher may also provide supplemental support through co-teaching a core subject with a general education teacher.

The Northville Public Schools’ high school teachers are highly qualified in one or more subject areas. Special Education teachers teach groups of students by content area rather than by disability area.

Categorical Classroom

For students whose academic success cannot be met in a general education program with part-time Resource Room, a categorical classroom provides a setting where students can receive the major portion of their educational program as indicated in the Individualized Education Program (IEP).

Categorical classrooms are located in selected schools throughout the district. Students interact with general education students and may attend general education classes during their school day, based on the IEP.

ASD Classroom

An ASD classroom is a specialized educational setting designed to support students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). These classrooms provide tailored instruction, emphasizing social skills, communication, and individualized goals. 


ASD classrooms are located in selected schools throughout the district.  Students interact with general education students and may attend general education classes during their school day based on the IEP.


Early Childhood Intervention Program (ECIP)

Preschool students ages 3-5 with educational handicaps that require a special education classroom program, may be served in the ECIP classroom. This setting offers four 2 ½ hour sessions per week with a special education teacher. There are two ECIP classrooms located at Thornton Creek Elementary School.

Center-Based Programs

The unique educational needs of some students outweigh their need to attend a general education school. These students may attend a Center-Based Program. These are schools that educate children, with similar learning characteristics, from several school districts. The curriculum provided within Center Programs is designed to meet the needs of attending students. The basic curriculum is then individualized for each learner. Besides the comprehensive classroom program, these schools have access to a variety of specialized services needed to meet each child’s unique needs.

The following Center-Based Programs are providers in partnership with other school districts and available for students living within Northville:
Center-Based Program Partnerships
Learning Characteristic
Center-Based Program
Autistically Impaired

Burger Baylor (1st - 12th grade); Burger Transition (Post-Secondary): Garden City Public Schools

Preschool (ages 3-5): Plymouth-Canton Community Schools

K-12: Northville Public Schools

Early-On (Birth through 3 years) Stottlemyer Early On Program: Wayne-Westland Community Schools
Day Treatment (for Emotionally Impaired) Keeler Adolescent and  Elementary Day Treatment Center: Redford Union Schools
Visually Impaired Livonia Public Schools
Hearing Impaired (Oral Program) Beech and MacGowan Elementary Schools, Hilbert Middle School:Redford Union Schools
Physically or Health Impaired Wayne-Westland Community Schools
Cognitively Impaired Franklin High School, Webster School, Western Wayne Skill Center: Livonia Public Schools
Severely Cognitively Impaired Cooke School: Northville Public Schools
Severely Multiply Impaired Cooke School: Northville Public Schools
Dual Diagnosed (Cognitively/Emotionally Impaired) Cooke School: Northville Public Schools


Homebound/Hospitalized Services

Students may receive a minimum of two non-consecutive hours of instruction per week in their home if they are certified by a licensed physician as having a severe physical or other health impairment preventing school attendance.


The IEPT determines when special transportation arrangements are required for a student.