Northville Public Schools » Safety & Security » Reunification


In a school emergency, the first instinct as a parent is to pick up the telephone and start calling the school or to rush up to the school and get your children. The truth is, this only complicates matters from a safety and security standpoint. Parents too close to an incident often hinder the rescue attempts of the police and fire officials on the scene.
The best action parents can take in an emergency is to stay close to their phone and e-mail and to monitor local radio and TV reports for regular updates and instruction. You can always review the ways NPS communicates with families by visiting "Communicating with Families" tab in the toolbar on the right.
Reunification Process
  • A designated location is always established for parents to reunite with their children following an emergency. This may be the school or another location in cases where the school building was evacuated.
  • At the reunification site, school administrators and police and fire officials account for students and provide aide to those who need it immediately. Students are released only to authorized individuals listed on their School Emergency Card who show proper identification.
  • Following a school crisis, specially trained school and district crisis team members and social workers are available to provide counseling and outside referrals to students, staff members and others who may need it.