2000 Students & Instruction
- 2000 - Philosophy of Education and Purpose
- 2001 - Student Discrimination and Harassment
- 2002 - Lunch Hour - Secondary Schools
- 2003 - Field Trips
- 2004 - Michigan High School Athletic Association
- 2005 - School Visits
- 2006 - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
- 2007 - School Improvement
- 2008 - McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act
- 2009 - Acceptable Use
- 2010 - Digital Communications - Social Media
- 2111 - Student Enrollment
- 2112 - Student Attendance and Participation
- 2113 - Emergency Seclusion and Restraint
- 2117 - Attendance Zone Assignment/Open Enrollment
- 2118 - Non-Resident Students
- 2119 - Students Leaving or Entering the School District
- 2120 - Student Enrollment: Children of Employees
- 2127 - High School Graduation Exercises
- 2128 - NHS Graduation Requirements
- 2130 - Alcohol & Drug Use/Students
- 2131 Student Code of Conduct
- 2132 - Epinephrine Auto-Injectors (EPI-PENS)
- 2133 - School Safety Bills
- 2134 - Extra-Curricular, Co-Curricular and Athletic Student Code of Conduct
- 2135 - Anti-Bullying
- 2140 - Locker and Other Searches
- 2142 - Wellness
- 2143 - Personal Electronic Devices
- 2144 - Cardiac Emergency Response Plan
- 2145 - Do Not Resuscitate Requests (DNR)
- 2146 - Family Involvement
- 2147 - Title I Services
- 2148 - Parent Participation in Title I Programs
- 2149 - Title I - Parents' Right to Know
- 2150 - Administration of Medications at School
- 2151 - Media Center Materials & Selection
- 2152 - Textbooks and Other Instructional Materials
- 2153 - Parental Objections
- 2154 - ADA and Section 504
- 2155 - Positive Behavior Supports and Corporal Punishment
- 2156 - Service Animals
- 2301 Dual Enrollment
- 2305 - High School Testing Out/Credit for Required Courses Taken in Middle School