District Departments » Finance & Operations Department » Budget & Salary Reporting

Budget & Salary Reporting

The State School Aid Act, has been amended, and requires each school district and intermediate school district to post certain information on its website within 30 days after a board adopts its annual operating budget or any subsequent revision to that budget. The Annual Budget & Transparency Reporting is an opportunity to communicate to our community how we utilize the resources that are provided to us. The following information is required to be posted on our website, as outlined in MCL 388.1618 of the School Aid Act.

Personnel Expenditures (Expressed in Pie Charts)

Current Operating Expenditures (Expressed in Pie Charts)

Current Bargaining Agreements

Non-Affiliated Employee Unit Manuals

Employer Sponsored Health Care Plans

Other benefits for all eligible employees

 Medical Benefits Plan Bids

 Audited Financial Statements

Procurement Policy

Expense Reimbursement Policy

Accounts Payable Check Register

For checks written during Fiscal Year

Employee Compensation Information

District Paid Association Dues

District Paid Lobbying Costs

No school district funds were spent on lobbying services or costs for 2023-24

Approved Deficit Elimination Plan

The district has not incurred a deficit

District Credit Card Information

District Paid Out-of-State Travel Information

Educator Evaluation Systems Posting and Assurances

Machine-Readable File (MRF)

According to the Federal Government's Transparency in Coverage rule, plans and issuers must make public machine-readable files containing certain pricing information.  These machine-readable files include negotiated rates for in-network providers and allowed amounts and historical billed charges for out of network providers. 
The information contained in this Machine-Readable File may be difficult to access without certain technology.
These files may be large and require a computer that can download at least up to 1TB (terabyte) of data.  Most modern hard drives store half of this amount of data.  Based on your computer's storage and hard drive, attempting to open or download large files may cause instabilities in Windows, cause performance issues resulting in downloads that could take hours, days or weeks depending on the file size and hard drive combination.  For reference: 1TB = 243 high-definition streaming movies (average 2 hours per movie).

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