NPS Introduces New Personal Electronic Devices Policy for K-8 Students

Northville Public Schools (NPS) is committed to creating a positive and focused learning environment for all students. In line with this commitment, the district is implementing a new Personal Electronic Devices Policy for the 2024-2025 school year, which includes a "Cell Phone Away-for-the-Day" requirement for all K-8 students. This policy is being introduced to ensure that students can fully engage in their educational experience without the distractions and potential negative effects of personal electronic devices during school hours.
*If students need to contact their parents or guardians during the school day, phones are readily available in each school office and classroom.

Why This Policy Matters

Recent research has shown that excessive use of cell phones and other personal electronic devices can have a detrimental impact on the academic performance, social interactions, and overall well-being of school-aged children. By limiting the use of these devices during the school day, NPS aims to foster an environment where students can concentrate on learning, develop meaningful relationships with peers, and participate fully in classroom activities.

Middle School Policy Details

For students in grades 6-8, cell phones and other personal electronic devices (excluding personal laptops) must be powered off and stored in lockers during the school day, from 8:07 AM to 3:03 PM. Students are permitted to check their phones during passing time, and teachers may allow the use of cell phones for specific "Bring Your Own Device" (BYOD) lessons. However, once the class ends, the device must be returned to the student's locker.
Consequences for Inappropriate Use:
  • First Offense: Device may be picked up from an administrator at the end of the day.
  • Second Offense: Device will be confiscated until claimed by a parent or guardian.
  • Third Offense: A meeting with parents/guardians will be required, and additional consequences may be applied at the discretion of the principal.
The use of video devices in private areas such as restrooms or locker rooms, or during testing, is strictly prohibited.

Elementary School Policy Details

In grades K-5, cell phones, smartwatches, and other personal electronic devices must remain turned off and stored in students' backpacks during school hours. If a device is confiscated for inappropriate use, it can be picked up by a parent or guardian from the school office.

Communication and Implementation

The new policy will be reflected in the updated Middle School and Elementary School Student Handbooks, and all parents and staff will receive detailed information in the beginning-of-the-year newsletters. NPS is committed to working with families to ensure a smooth transition to this new policy and to support students in developing healthy digital habits.

Final Thoughts

NPS appreciates the cooperation of students, parents, and staff as we implement this new policy designed to enhance the educational experience for all. By limiting the use of personal electronic devices during school hours, we are taking an important step toward creating a more focused, engaging, and collaborative learning environment.
For more information or questions regarding the new Personal Electronic Devices Policy, please contact your school’s administration.