Middle School Choirs Earn Superior Rating at Cedar Point Music Festival

The combined Hillside and Meads Mill Middle School choir earned a Superior rating at Cedar Point's Trills and Thrills Music Festival. The students celebrated their achievement with a fun-filled afternoon at the amusement park.
The combined Hillside and Meads Mill Middle School choir earned a Superior rating at Cedar Point's Trills and Thrills Music Festival, showcasing their dedication and talent.
Hillside and Meads Mill Choir
After checking in and receiving park tickets, the choir performed in front of experienced adjudicators who provided immediate feedback and later, written evaluations.
Their outstanding performance earned the choir a Superior rating, accompanied by an award plaque and rating ribbon. Following the performance, students enjoyed a fun-filled afternoon at Cedar Point, celebrating their achievement with rides, games, and attractions.
Cedar Point Trills and Thrills Music Festival Award
This event highlighted the choir's hard work and brought a memorable day of music and fun. Congratulations to our talented students and dedicated staff for their remarkable success!
Middle School choirs at Cedar Point