NPS Science Olympiad Teams Shine at State Tournament!

Congratulations to our incredible teams who made us proud at the Michigan State Science Olympiad tournament held at Western Michigan University in Kalamazoo on May 4th, 2024. All three of our teams gathered for a group picture. (pictured below)
All 3 Northville Public School Science Olympiad Teams together at state tournament 2024
Hillside Middle School secured an impressive 15th place out of 48 teams in the middle school division. They won one event, medaled in two, and placed in the top fifteen in 8 out of 23 events! What a fantastic performance!
Hillside Middle School Science Olympiad Team 2024
Northville High School rocked the tournament, achieving an amazing 5th place overall! The team won one event, medaled in 10, and placed in the top ten in 15 out of 23 events. Your hard work paid off!
Northville High School Science Olympiad Team 2024
Meads Mill Middle School Science Olympiad Team has even more to celebrate! Aarush Panvalkar and Sanika Balani excelled in the Forestry event, earning the state championship and each receiving a $20,000 scholarship from Michigan State University! We are so proud of your dedication and remarkable achievement!
Meads Mill Middle School Science Olympiad scholarship winners
Northville Public Schools is thrilled to see such excellence and talent. Way to go, teams! Keep reaching for the stars!