Northville Board of Education to Make Decision on Proposed School-Based Health Centers

The Northville Public School Board of Education will decide on moving forward with the possible addition of two School-Based Health Centers at NPS via grants and provider funding. The new date for the decision is set for Tuesday, January 16, 2023, at 8:30 p.m. at Old Village School.

In the lead-up to this upcoming decision, the district held several Community Forums to provide a platform for the public to share their thoughts and insights on the proposed School-Based Health Centers. After thoughtful consideration of all that was presented and heard by the community, the Board of Education decided to defer their vote originally scheduled for the January 9th meeting so they could take this week to consider everything presented and heard  along with the many emails received throughout this process.

Background Information:

Through extensive discussions with local health and wellness providers, a significant opportunity has emerged to enhance our student support initiatives in collaboration with Michigan Medicine. This collaboration, coupled with grant funding from the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS), has positioned us to present the community with the opportunity to bring two School-Based Health Centers into Northville Public Schools.

The startup costs, covered by the grant, impose no ongoing direct costs to the district, aligning with our commitment to the fiscal and well-being interests of NPS families. We believe that the School-Based Health Centers at Hillside and Northville High School will be a valuable addition to our school community, fostering the overall well-being of our students and ensuring they have access to the necessary support for academic and personal growth.

For those who were unable to attend the previous Community Forums or those who wish to stay updated, we encourage you to explore the comprehensive information provided below.

What Is a School-Based Health Center?:

A School-Based Health Center (SBHC) is a strategic initiative aimed at delivering convenient and accessible healthcare services to our students (preschool-age 21) through Michigan Medicine. These centers will be staffed with highly qualified healthcare professionals, including a nurse practitioner, clinical social worker, a dietitian, and a medical doctor, each having scheduled times to address both routine healthcare needs and more specific health concerns. Moreover, students will have access to vision services through Kellogg Eye Center and Mott Mobile dentist services.

Key Points about the Michigan Medicine School-Based Health Center:

  • Comprehensive Care: The center will offer a range of healthcare services, encompassing preventive care, immunizations, basic medical exams, sports physicals, and treatment for minor illnesses and injuries. It is essential to note that the SBHC is not intended to replace a primary care provider. Behavioral health services, counseling, and support for emotional well-being will also be provided.

  • Convenience: The SBHC will be strategically located on our school campus, ensuring easy access to healthcare services for students. This accessibility is particularly beneficial for parents who may find it challenging to take time off work for medical appointments.

  • Confidentiality: Michigan Medicine places a high priority on the privacy and confidentiality of each student, strictly adhering to all requirements of HIPAA and consent laws. All medical information will be kept confidential, with only Michigan Medicine personnel having access to this information.

  • Parental Involvement: Recognizing the critical importance of parental involvement, the SBHC aims to provide a convenient healthcare option for students while keeping parents informed about any significant health-related matters. Consent will be sought for medical evaluations and treatments, following the guidance outlined in the state of Michigan’s minor consent laws.
We believe that the School-Based Health Centers planned for Hillside and Northville High School would be a valuable addition to our school community, promoting the overall well-being of our students and ensuring they have access to the support they need to thrive academically and personally. We are continuing to add layers of support for our students' well-being throughout the district that go beyond these two health centers.

Below are two informational resources:
The NPS Board of Education will have a Special Call meeting on Tuesday, January 16th at 8:30 p.m. at Old Village School.
For any inquiries or further information, please feel free to email us at [email protected] 