Northville Public Schools' Bond Proposal up for Vote in May 2023

On May 2, 2023, voters in Northville Public Schools will be asked to consider a bond proposal that focuses on key program enhancements, technology upgrades and infrastructure upgrades district wide. If the bond proposal is approved by voters, it its estimated that the School District will be able to maintain the existing school debt levy (totalling 3.40 mills) and issue the bonds with a ZERO MILL NET INCREASE over the prior year's debt millage rate. The bond proposal authorizes the issuance of $134.4 million in bonds.
The key areas of focus for Bond 2023 include:
  • Program enhancements including dedicated STEAM spaces at all learning levels, major upgrades and additions at Meads Mill Middle School to provide comparable spaces and opportunities, and enhancements to playgrounds and multi-activity fields to support students as well as our entire community;
  • Technology enhancements to address both instructional tools and infrastructure needs across the District; and
  • Upgrades to address the aging infrastructure of buildings to improve environmental quality and efficiency of our buildings, as well as reduce operational expenses. 
We have created a Bond 2023 webpage on the district's website with a breakdown of the upgrades proposed for each of the nine schools and an FAQ tab.