Northville Board of Education Approves 2022-2023 Focus Areas and Goals

Aaron Baughman, NPS Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services explained, “Our District goals and focus areas drive the success of NPS. Our attention on the most important pieces of our programming so we can prioritize student outcomes to ensure that every student gets what they need.”
The District Five-Year strategic plan process allows us to review our success each year, identify continued areas for growth within the plan, and set measurable goals to achieve within the year to move our plan forward and outward. This reflective and forward looking process includes extensive analysis of our progress towards goals from the previous year, where there was success, where opportunities for improvement still exist and what our collective thinking leads us to for our current year focus.
Through the collaborative work of teachers, building leaders, district leadership, and the Board of Education, the key areas of focus allow us to approach the complex work of teaching and learning in a way that allows for measurable outcomes.
Top 3 Areas of Focus for 2022-2023
  • STEAM: Pursue opportunities to strengthen inquiry-based, hands-on, and project-based learning across content areas. Explore new partnerships with outside companies and expand Maker Spaces K-5.
  • Early Middle College: Expand student pathways at the secondary level, providing more options for students to identify their areas of interest and passion, and prepare for the future of work. Earn an Associates Degree for free and a High School diploma simultaneously.
  • Student Health and wellness: All students will build capacity across the core competencies of Social and Emotional Learning.
To review ALL of our District Goals, visit District Goals - Our Vision