Members Selected for Facilities & Technology Assessment Review Committee

Over the last several months, Northville Public Schools along with our construction and technology professionals have been assessing the current state of our District facilities and technology, and identifying potential programmatic enhancements and innovation.
This assessment was identified as one of our 2021-22 District Goals & Objectives, and now that the assessment has been completed, the District is in the process of forming a 2023 Facilities & Technology Assessment Review Committee to evaluate the findings from the assessment and make decisions regarding the future facilities, equipment and technology needs of the District. 
The Facilities & Technology Assessment Review Committee will be a cross-stakeholder group, including representation from students, teachers, school parents, community members, district and school administrators, and Board of Education members.  
The response from stakeholders was appreciated, as we had about 40 individuals who indicated interest in serving on the Committee. 
From the names submitted, we selected 16 parents and community members to participate on the Committee. In selecting the Committee members, our goal was to have representation from each of our school buildings, and individuals with a range of community or professional experiences. Additionally, the Committee will also include students, three Board members, District administration and support from our Architectural Engineering and Construction Management professionals who conducted the assessment. 
The initial meeting of the Facilities & Technology Assessment Review Committee is scheduled for Wednesday, September 7, 2022, at 6:30 pm at Meads Mill Middle School. 
If you were selected for this Committee, you will receive an email and meeting notice confirming your involvement. For those individuals not selected for the Committee members, and for all District stakeholders, we will provide updates on the District website as the Committee work progresses. 
Thank you for your interest in supporting this important District initiative. 