Northville Public Schools » Family Resources » Parent Portals

Parent Portals


MISTAR ParentConnection is a web application that provides parents with direct access to student data via the Internet. Using a confidential PIN (personal identification number) and password, parents can connect to the school district’s student database using a web browser and view their child’s data, such as progress reports, attendance records, report cards, transcripts, and more.
Have questions?  Our FAQs (link can be found on the login page) may have the answer you are looking for. 


Northville Public Schools is now using Schoology, an integrated learning management solution that provides course management, mobile learning, and support for system-wide communication.
  • Parents should have received a Parent Access Code for each student. Once the parent account has been set up, it can be accessed by going to Enter the email address and password used to set up the parent account. It must be an email address, not a username.(Please note: This link is different from the link students use.) 
  • Schoology Parent Setup Instructions.