Northville Public Schools » International Baccalaureate » International Baccalaureate

International Baccalaureate

Imagine a school where students and teachers are on a quest for answers; a place where they reflect on their work and acknowledge their challenges and strengths; a place where they work in collaboration and encouragement focusing on the whole child and life-long learning in relation to others around the world. These are some of the principles and practices that characterize the International Baccalaureate (IB).

 Why IB? Top 10 Reasons
  • Prepares students for college and career readiness
  • Provides consistent, rigorous, and aligned instruction/assessment
  • Continues to build off the Leader in Me with the Leader Profile
  • Promotes inquiry-based learning
  • Makes real world connections
  • Challenges students to think through theories of knowledge
  • Incorporates community and Service
  • Emphasizes the utilization of technology in the classroom and beyond
  • Supports holistic learning through a variety of interwoven subjects
  • Offers Professional Learning Networks for staff

Northville Families who are interested in understanding how universities and colleges recognize and accept IB Diploma Programme credit can visit the IB Recognition Database Search to learn more about programs.

Community Support
Community stakeholders are invited to apply to be a part of the IB Advisory Council (IBAC) in order to collaborate on important district IB recommendations.
Community members and parents may also contribute to the programme through the Northville Education Foundation (NEF). Northville Public Schools thanks the NEF for their generous support International Baccalaureate programme.
For more information about Northville's MYP and DP, please click on the respective tabs on the right sidebar.
IB Administrative Procedures